Untitled Document
Artézi Gallery
It is an association of independent artists, not expecting or accepting financial support–a price to pay for freedom.
Artézi Galéria
It is an association of independent artists,
not expecting or accepting financial support–a price to pay for freedom.
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Strange stories
25 May-19 June 2024.
Saturday 25 May, 2024 at 5 pm
Opening speech: Pál Laukó painter
Exhibited artists:
Gréti Kőfaragó  graphic artist
András Kontur  sculptor
Krisztina Madarász painter
Krisztina Soós  painter
Magda Vágó  painter
Valéria Vörös  painter

Katalógus PDF
Scrollable catalog

Kurátor: Vörös Valéria festőművész
Exhibited Works